

What Children Learn From Our Curriculum

Using a constructionist approach to facilitate learning among the children, the school plans an integrated child-centered curriculum for all the children. Children experience learning in a holistic way, without the traditional restrictions usually imposed by subject area boundaries. Through this integrated curriculum, learning is synthesized across traditional subject areas and all experiences are designed to be mutually reinforcing. Integration occurs naturally because the learning environment encourages children to explore, ask questions, and seek solutions to problems they encounter as they continue to construct knowledge every day.
Vividly apparent in this integrated child-centered curriculum are:
- A balance among large group, small group, and individual activities;
- A balance in curriculum and content areas;
- And a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated experiences.

Fine Arts Curriculum
(Dance, Drama, Music, Visual Arts)
Through this component, children expand their ability to communicate orally and through reading and writing, and to enjoy these activities.
Social Studies
Social studies in the program examine people in society as they interact with each other and with their many environments: physical, cultural, political, and socio-economic. Emphasis is placed on developing attitude, skills, and knowledge through a variety of experiences that engage children in active learning.
Responsible Living
The Responsible Living Curriculum component deals with the physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual dimensions of human development in terms of issues that are personally relevant for children.
Multicultural Curriculum
Multicultural education recognizes that all children enrich the culture of the classroom through the diversity of their many origins, beliefs, values, and first languages. Children have stories, songs, dances, art traditions, celebrations beliefs, and values and first languages.
Physical Education
Parents, teachers, and researchers have become increasingly aware of the importance of providing children with planned, meaningful movement experiences. There is a growing realization among educators and health professionals that the vigorous physical activities engage in by children plays an important role in their total development.
Mathematics exploration in children’s early years is related to their immediate environment and is based on a sound foundation of concrete experiences. The classroom contains many sets of objects for counting, matching, classifying ordering, and making spatial relations
The science component is based on our understanding that children develop science concepts as they investigate and interact with real objects and phenomena. They are natural scientists in that they are curious, observant, and always questioning. Their knowledge of science grows out of an attempt to find meaning in their environment. To learn more click here.
Information Technology
As a result of successfully participating in this curriculum area, children learn to use information technology equipment and software such as computers, keyboards, cameras to create and/or solve problems in their everyday lives.
Family Involvement
Family involvement in learning is the most valuable and common partnership in education. It is this partnership that results in the greatest benefits for children during their school career. In supporting the program and its mission, families send a clear message that learning is worthy, respected endeavor.
SPARK Early Childhood Physical Activity
The SPARK (Sports, Play and Active Recreation for Kids) Early Childhood Physical Activity Program is designed to encourage maximum participation during movement time. Active engagement and practice in a positive, non-threatening environment are the means for improving children’s personal enjoyment and physical and social development, thus increasing physical activity.
What We Can Offer
We are proud that our daycare center meets all of the state requirements for certification.
Our teachers are experienced and trained to support your child’s learning.
Our comprehensive safety policies are available for your review at any time in our office.
Our activity programs are custom-designed for each age-group that we care for at our center.
We believe and teach positive reinforcement in our daily curriculum at our center.

Before And After School Schedule
Full Day (when regular school is not in session)
Welcome, Check-in
Board Games
Organized indoor games (moderate activity level)
Continue 6:30 – 7:00 am activities; craft activities
Planned Learning Centers
Planned activity Areas to include Science,
Math, (STEM) Cooking, Art, Language Arts, etc.
Outdoor organized games
Outdoor free play
Indoor quiet activities available
Prepare to go home
Quiet games, stories, group singing
Before And After School Schedule
Half Day
Welcome, check-in
Board Games
Homework, Reading, Manipulatives/Construction
Organized Sports/fames (moderate activity level)
Free play on playground
Continue 6:30 – 7:00 a.m. activities; craft project
Clean-up; prepare for school
Outdoor organized games; free play
Indoor quiet activities available
Home Assistance; planned learning centers
Planned activity areas to include enrichment in Science,
Math, Cooking, Art, Language Arts
Movies on Friday
Prepare to go home; quiet games, stories, group
singing; check-out